Friday 18 January 2013

The Drive Home

The spring breeze through the window, the ‘Wahoo’s’ of the Dandy Warhols floating around the car and Faith was smiling, what more could you want from a Monday evening? Smiling on the way home from work, that was a whole new feeling. It was far too early to tell if this would be the new post work trend, but for now she was going to enjoy it.

As first days go it went pretty well. The girls in the office seemed really nice, her boss? She was going to take some weighing up, but it was Dan that was stuck in her mind. There was something about him and she had been thinking about him all day, yet she didn’t really know why. He certainly must think she was a complete bimbo after their first encounter.

Maybe it was the way the morning light seemed to catch just over his shoulder; it cast the most amazing glow over him. Whatever it was it had her smiling stupidly whenever he called into the office. He only popped in every now and then; his office was down the hall. Lisa had commented how he had been in the office more than normal today though....

‘Faith you are not a teenager damn it!’ she chastised her wandering mind

Her phone rang through the in car system, which she didn't understand, bringing her back to reality with a start. The friendly female voice told her it was Aiden calling. He had insisted on this installation, saying that if she insisted on driving round in the rusted tin can he at least wanted to be able to ring and make sure she was still in one piece, not in a ditch somewhere.

Faith shouted “accept” at the windscreen, because the omnipresent female voice told her to.

“Hello”...nothing, “hello” she shouted louder

“Hello” Aiden replied amused by her lack of technological grace, which incidentally only extended to the car. It was as if she was hardwired to only include the most practical knowledge when it came to cars. How to change a flat, oil top ups and battery exchanges were the essentials when driving Henry so all the techno gubbins in the car was beyond her reach. But stationary and behind a computer Faith was in her element.

“So I have the kids. Am I meeting you at home?”

“Yeah, I’ll be about another twenty minutes” Faith replied

“Ok we’ll see you soon”

“Have the boys eaten?”

“I don’t know. We’ll sort it when you’re home.”

“Alright, see you soon.”

“Love you”

“Love you too”

As the conversation clicked to an end the stereo reverted to mid song ‘we were the kings and queens of promise’ it made her smile and think of the promise their relationship had held, where had that gone? Faith pondered, had those words lost their meaning through overuse? Or was it that not enough attention was paid to them anymore. Familiarity hadn't bred contempt so much as complacency.

Faith tried concentrating on the road, a diversion for her mind from all this deep thought. She realised then that this section of her route was one long natural tree tunnel. How had she not noticed this before?

She had no idea why tree tunnels made her instantly happy. Was it the protection she felt in its belly, hidden from her troubles and fears. Or was she just over thinking again. It was probably just that they looked so pretty; the way the light filtered through the leaf canopy casting angel rays on the world below. If nothing else she was going to enjoy the drive; the beauty, the music and the time in her own head. Even if her head did keep flashing images of some guy she had only just met. Ok so he was cute,, with a heart stopping light to his eyes. But still a married woman should not be thinking these thoughts.

As if on cue the next song to pop up on the stereo, Mansun –Wide open space.

‘You’ll never get to heaven with a smile on your face’ Not at all ironic!!

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